Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh yeah and we're back in the hospital...

[caption id="attachment_2496" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ellie walking with a book in La Grange."][/caption]

So Ellie started drooling right before she left the hospital last time.  I mean a LOT like get your shirt completely soaked (and sometimes the pants too) kinda drool.  Wange (weird + strange).  Then yesterday she feel asleep at 2pm and slept until 3am.  I think that is the longest she has slept since she was a teeny baby.  We had decided to try school again today.  She lasted an hour before she fell deeply asleep on a bean bag, arms raised above her head and everything.  When I came to get her, she was extremly hard to awaken and was having trouble walking (of course if you were still asleep it would be hard to walk, wouldn't it?)  Stephanie, Super School Nurse, rolled her to our car in a chair with wheels on it, making sure to hold onto Ellie so she did not slip off of said chair.  When we got home, I did Ellie's meds and feeds and she immediately fell asleep again.  We alerted the hospital that Ellie was much much more sleepy than usual and of course an MRI scan was ordered to check things out.  It looks like the ventricles are larger (meaning hydrocephalous was likely because of increased pressure on the brain.)  Dr. Iskandar (remember him?  he pretty much rules the hospital as a neurosurgeon) explained that the cysts are filling back up with fluid causing changes in the brain.  He further explained that the surgeries he performed is very injurious to the brain and he speculated that Ellie had had a seizure which led to all the sleeping.  He also mentioned that if the cysts become problematic he can drain them fairly easily without a craniotomy (look that one up if you don't know it makes me a little woozy to explain it.)  Plan is to stay overnight and see how she does.

1 comment:

  1. Here's to you all being back in the comfort of your home tomorrow!

    Sorry to not be keeping up with the Kennedy's. It seems like ages ago that Ben was here and we were there. We will be in Children's Hospital outpatient center for Caitlyn's eye surgery on Thursday. Pre-op tomorrow at the clinic.


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