Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Getting Recognized


Lotta met up with a friend at a local park Sunday.  I sat and chatted with the friend's mom, while Lotta and Goldie walked around the park by themselves.  As I mentioned previously, Lotta has requested alone time with friends.  She is not wrong, as I DO tend to chat people up.  As Jodi and I were chatting, suddenly, this fully masked little guy ran up (maintaining 6 feet of course) and excitedly asked, "Whose mom are you??"  I knew this was a Zibbi aged child, so I immediately told him I was Zibbi's mom.  He then jumped up and said, "Where is she?  Where is Zibbi?"  And I explained that she was spending time with her grandma, so she was not actually in the park.  Looking disappointed, he walked away, telling me he'd really wanted to SEE her and PLAY with her. 

Before leaving the park, James made sure to remind me to bring Zibbi next time because he REALLY wanted to play with her.  When I relayed the story to Zibbi she said, "I don't have a classmate named James."  Still, she thought it would be a good idea for her to go with me next time, because it could be a good time.  (I imagine he was in her class in kindergarten or 4K, not in her current class. Oh, the perks of being a parent volunteer, and getting recognized!)

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