The vaccine I received was a one dose, which, some hypothesize has a bit more bang to it than the two dose version (where the "bang" is distributed over two vaccines). I was all set to muscle my way through any symptoms I might have. All night after my shot, I felt like my heart was racing. Simultaneously, I felt exhausted and hot/then chilled. And oh so achey all over. In the morning, I decided since I was awake, I might as well work out. I thought it might help with any soreness. I lived to regret that decision. As soon as I was finished, and I'd set up breakfast food, I went back to bed. I was in bed most of the morning. Thom and Benja had their vaccines (conveniently) scheduled for that day, so off they went around lunch time. I was sleeping and Lotta, determination in her voice, agreed to make lunch. As I slept, I suddenly heard a quiet voice say, "Mom". And I jerked awake, as you do, when your mom radar is on (which I think stays switched on permanently once you have children.) Zibbi requested that I emerge from the bedroom to cut up strawberries (which we didn't actually have) because she didn't think it safe for Lotta to weld a knife. I came downstairs and cut slices of bread for Zibbi, as Lotta, furiously looked on. Lotta became so frustrated at one point, that she started sobbing and I gave her a huge hug, telling her that I knew how much she was wanting to help. And I truly appreciated her attempt. On the other hand, I know that for right now, Zibbi thinks I am perfection, I am the one and only one who can perform certain tasks to her satisfaction (like toasting a bagel). I know that oh too soon, this veil of illusion will fall and she will discover that I too have struggles and weaknesses and faults. But that morning, I wasn't prepared to let her in on the secret. Not just yet.
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