Friday, April 9, 2021

Getting my Chit Chat On

A few weeks ago,  I walked to St. Vinny's with a friend for a little thrift break.  As we chatted in one of the aisles, not one, not two, but THREE people piped into our conversation to add insight or opinions to what we were saying.  What I loved about it is how it felt like everyone was just missing chatting with a stranger, so when they saw the opportunity they grabbed it.   One of the conversations was with a fellow Marquette mother (that is the school Lotta attends) telling us that they were continuing to keep their son virtual.  She said she was partially doing it because they needed some families to stay virtual in order to maintain a distance in the classroom.  But, she shared, she really liked having her children around, so she'd continue as long as she could.  It was so very sweet.   Then, I kept running into the mom and her third grade son throughout the store.  At some point, he found a sun hat to try on, and he was parading around the store displaying his very festive find.  I liked them even more than I already did.  I mean similar conversations have happened before, especially in Dig n Save (the next level of thrifting, where all the clothes are in big bins you have to dig through).  I suspect that just during this time, I, and maybe the other customers, don't take it for granted like we used to.  

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