Friday, February 26, 2021

Oh what a big boy!


So we were playing a game of all day charades.  That's when you have charades cards on the dining room table and whenever someone passes by, they suddenly start acting out items on the card (with OUT announcing that is what you are doing).  Anyway, Benja grabbed a card, and started pantomiming pushing a grocery cart.  The problem was, his hands were super high, like he was a much shorter little guy than the almost 16-year-old teenager he actually is.  It feels like that was the last time he was in the stores, he was much shorter, so that's all he knows for charades.

One day, I was trying to convince Lotta to race upstairs, and I said, "I bet I can beat you upstairs."  Before anyone could move, Benja raced upstairs, yelling, "I WON!! I WON!!" when he reached the top.  While Lotta and I sat on the sofa transfixed by what had just occurred.   

Recently Benja says the word, "sigh" rather than actually sighing.  Boy oh boy is he ever keeping me entertained.  

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