Saturday, February 27, 2021

An encounter of the strange kind

I arrived at Trader Joe's and was immediately drawn to their lush plant display.  (My theory is that if a plant can survive grocery store level treatment, then it has a higher chance of survival in my home.  Realstically, I cannot, compete with green house level care.) As I browsed, someone from inside the store came scurrying out.  She looked vaguely familiar, which can be challenging right now with masks covering half the face.  She said to me, "Do I know you?  You look so familiar."  Which was surprising, since I was thinking the same thing.  She then said, "Look at YOU, you look SO cute."  To which I responded enthusiastically with a smile and a thank you.  She then repeated, more enthusiastically her opinion of my ensemble.  (It sort of had the feel of, "YOU look cute,""NO, you look cuter!""No, seriously YOU are the cutest!") Abruptly, she proclaimed, "I am going on break, but I will be back soon.  I will see you inside."  To which I thought, "Oh, wow, are we THERE in the relationship? Telling each other where we are going? When we will return?"  It was a strange, yet highly enjoyable encounter.  Seemed unusual and discordant all at the same time, very representative of this particular time.  Where something feels vaguely familiar, but completely,  awkwardly different.  

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