Thursday, February 18, 2021

Dinner Stories


We have been having many family dinners filled with stories as of late (my favorite!).  One that came up recently was when Zibbi was in kindergarten, she came home one day, crestfallen.  She had had to go to the bathroom.  Her teacher was in the bathroom while Zibbi was in the actual stall.  So, being in love with her teacher (she was everything you'd want in a kindergarten teacher) she began to chat her teacher up.  Instead of chatting, her teacher very sternly told Zibbi that she should focus and NOT talk.  Zibbi tries very hard at school to follow all the rules, so she just could not believe she'd made such a grievous error in judgement.  Zibbi was so uncomfortable about the whole thing, she couldn't really talk about it for very long.  (At the end of the year, her teacher told me she had been labeled "excess" staff by the school district and asked to step down.  We were all heartbroken, as she was a tremendous teacher, kind, patient, loving.) 

Then Lotta shared a time at Lapham (the 4K-2nd Grade elementary school my children attend).  She said one day after recess there was a pile up outside the door back inside.  She had begun to cry because she was in the middle of the pile.  My brain immediately began to create a story about how perhaps the children had been distracted by something on the playground, and so were not facing forward.  Perhaps one child had tripped over another child, and the whole sequence was repeated.  Lotta had assured me that in fact, this is NOT what happened.  I guess that one, will remain a mystery.  

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