Monday, September 21, 2015

No Mystery to What a 2-year-old Thinks

The other night at dinner, Lotta and Zibbi were arguing over something. Back and forth their words flew across the table, becoming louder and louder as the exchange became more heated. Suddenly, Zibbi jumped up from her booster seat, saying, "Hit now!" As she raced towards her sister's chair. I guess that's why they have high chairs, so parents have control of exits from the table (maybe that's why Zibbi hates them!)
Zibbi as a fashion "don't". 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Money Maker

Oh. Sweet Ben. So willing to help out when needed without complaint. Does his homework without being asked. Stays on top of his diabetes management. 

 Ben is an ideas guy. He comes up with great fabulous big plans. Often times just discussing them is as far as it goes. And we get a lot of enjoyment over these conversations. This summer he was once again planning a bake sale. A few years ago he did an impromptu yard sale with some toys which made him exactly $0. And a big mess to clean up. So when he mentioned a bake sale again, I suggested we make it a fundraiser for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund). We discussed what he wanted to make (limited this to 3 items to make it do able) what other items we might need and where we could go where people might want a snack (a park). It felt so great to actually be assisting him in his dream rather than just discussing it for a change. He ended up raising over $50! Which encouraged us to ask his teacher if there was a way his class could get involved. (Which turned into the student council donating half the sales from the school store the Friday before the walk.) And to start a t-shirt campaign. Once we began taking action it was like the whole thing snowballed. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wild Child

I was speaking with a friend at marquette elementary school. When I turned around Zibbi was standing on the pavement with only her diaper on. I inquired what happened. She'd taken a drink of water and spilled so she'd removed her wet clothing. So self sufficient that one. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Zibbi has been very into brushing my hair as of late. I know I know it sounds peaceful and wonderful. And I am kind of excited about the possibility that she will grow up and be a hair stylist. (If Ben becomes a chef and Lotta an actress I'm pretty much all set).
I could really use that professional help. Anyway. The reason the brushing is not so peaceful is because Zibbi also likes to brush my ears. When I begin to protest she says "tangles" with a heavy sigh. I think her favorite part of the whole activity is requesting for me to look up or down. Or put on my glasses or take them off. Or close my eyes. Hair styling is much bossier than I imagined. And is the youngest supposed to be this bossy?!?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Attitalk Revisited

So this start of school has been particularly challenging as Ben has entered the last grade Ellie ever attended, 5th. And it occurred to me that quite soon her younger brother will be older than she ever was.  Once I am able to wrap my brain around the idea I will be fine. It's just the concept is so shocking. Wish I'd never thought it!

 Plus there are all those crayons on sale to not buy. Plus Lotta just started kindergarten and tells me every day how much she is missing me. Emotional time of the year. 

One week into the school year and things have simmered down a bit. It was a gorgeous fall day and Zibbi and I were hanging out at the capital after the farmer's market. 

Zibbi suddenly started, without any prompting from me, doing the attitalk.  The Attitalk was one of Ellie's favorite things. It is an attitude walk where you place your hands on your hips and walk like a model. With grace and style and attitude. Now Zibbi is carrying on the tradition and
working it like her older sister did. 

A good friend

We were at the MOMS Club ice cream social. I looked over and saw Zibbi pushing our 15 month old friend off the steps of a playhouse. I ran over telling Zibbi we needed to take care of our little friends and not hurt them. Zibbi explained that Hannah was in front of the door and she wanted to get inside, so it made perfect sense, in her mind to push her out of the way. 

Next Hannah and Zibbi went to play on a tiny slide. Zibbi decided since she was supposed to take care of her she would catch Hannah. The funny thing was since Zibbi is tiny, even though she's older she's much smaller. So catching Hannah involved Hannah basically falling on top of Zibbi. Then Zibbi proudly "holding" her friend. 

Tator Tots

As we sat down to dinner Lotta explained to us, as she is wont to do during dinner after a day of Kindergarten how her day went.  She told us, "I ate all my tator tots, even though Daddy's are better because I didn't want to hurt the teachers feelings."  So sweet.  So wrong.  And so sweet.