Friday, September 18, 2015

Money Maker

Oh. Sweet Ben. So willing to help out when needed without complaint. Does his homework without being asked. Stays on top of his diabetes management. 

 Ben is an ideas guy. He comes up with great fabulous big plans. Often times just discussing them is as far as it goes. And we get a lot of enjoyment over these conversations. This summer he was once again planning a bake sale. A few years ago he did an impromptu yard sale with some toys which made him exactly $0. And a big mess to clean up. So when he mentioned a bake sale again, I suggested we make it a fundraiser for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund). We discussed what he wanted to make (limited this to 3 items to make it do able) what other items we might need and where we could go where people might want a snack (a park). It felt so great to actually be assisting him in his dream rather than just discussing it for a change. He ended up raising over $50! Which encouraged us to ask his teacher if there was a way his class could get involved. (Which turned into the student council donating half the sales from the school store the Friday before the walk.) And to start a t-shirt campaign. Once we began taking action it was like the whole thing snowballed. 

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