Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pregnant with Possibility

IMG_20130128_150107On Ben's birthday we were traveling to Tennessee.  Beforehand, we talked up how he would be able to experience two of his favorite things--watch videos all day while we drove in the car AND wake up in a hotel.  He even got to pick our lunch destination, Bob Evan's, because they have whipped cream on top of their pancakes.  I felt as if his birthday was particularly low key this year.  I was worried it would be a let down for Ben.  At the end of his big day, when I asked him, he thought it had been an EXCELLENT birthday.  He did not notice there wasn't a party or even a great deal of hoop-la.  Instead, he noticed there was Blueberry Pie with whipped cream on top (are you noticing  a topping theme here?)

[caption id="attachment_5255" align="alignright" width="225"]Ben one of my heroes! Ben one of my heroes![/caption]

The thing I truly appreciate about Ben is his ability to get so excited about an idea.  He doesn't wait until he has that Lego set in his hand to get excited, he gets super excited just thinking about, contemplating his new purchase.  It is as if the swoosh of life is what is the BEST part of getting something new, not the actual acquisition of the item.  I feel like he is my role model in how to be as excited before the thing has shown up as after its arrival.  And he has no doubt whatsoever that what he desires will show up.  His latest excitement has been over wanting to get a pet, paid for by himself.  First he wanted a lizard, then a snake, then a rabbit, now a cat (not likely as Thom and I are both allergic).  Again, he is thoroughly enjoying researching, discussing and contemplating what it will be like.  He is pregnant with all the possibilities.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Super STAR!

[caption id="attachment_4426" align="alignleft" width="225"]Me on a holiday limo ride a year and a half ago (benefitted Ronald McDonald House--win win win situation!) Me on a holiday limo ride a year and a half ago (benefitted Ronald McDonald House--win win win situation!)[/caption]

Every time I show up for Zumba/Hip Hop class now, I am treated like an A-list Super Star!  Last Thursday I attended only the last 20 minutes of class and still the instructor (the amazing Ari) announced to the class that I was due in a week and a half.  After class I am surrounded by classmates congratulating me, asking about the pregnancy, even wanting to take my photo.  And I feel like waving like royalty as I leave and saying, "I'll be back again next week!"  It is fantastically fabulous.

Not only did I get the royal treatment at the Y, but I also got a FREE haircut when I donated my hair once again (my third time, I was able to donate 11 and 1/2 inches!)  Now the reason this seems like a treat is because it is at a SWANKY salon and they treat me as if I am a hero for donating my hair.

THEN to top the week off, I went and got a Mani/Pedi given to me by my mom as a Christmas gift.  This was especially great timing as it has become increasingly difficult to reach my toes.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Naming names

[caption id="attachment_5201" align="alignright" width="225"]Not Sweetie or Honey or Peanut--Lotta. Not Sweetie or Honey or Peanut--Lotta.[/caption]

My name is Lotta

Lotta is committed to being called Lotta and NOT "honey", "sweetie", "peanut", or even "Charlotte" or "Lotta Joy".  Just Lotta.  She insists upon it if anyone should happen to slip up at any moment.  The exact opposite of Ellie who was so completely NOT committed to ANY of the names she chose for herself over the years.

Everyday Lotta becomes more and more interested in playing pretend with her doll and stuffed animal friends.  Inevitably, the play becomes about the mother calling the baby "Wheat Pea" (Sweet Pea to you and me) and the baby protesting that this is NOT in fact his/her name.  Which means she often has to switch from the mother to the baby to have all the right people say all the right things.

[caption id="attachment_5182" align="alignleft" width="225"]Lotta at the Science and Industry Museum in Chicago Lotta at the Science and Industry Museum in Chicago[/caption]

I'm not gonna play that game

Lotta has started asking, "How are you today?"  And when I say, "Great and how are you?"  Lotta responds, "I am not gonna play that game."  Which leaves me feeling as if I'm already living with a teenager AND highly confused.


As many of you know, when Ellie was given a compliment, she would often respond, "I know!" completely agreeing with the compliment giver and embracing the beauty of her dress or her intelligence or kindness.  Last night, Lotta painted for me.  When she presented her gift, I proclaimed how beautiful it was and how I just loved the colors.  Suddenly, Lotta said, "I KNOW!"  in the exact same tone of voice of Ellie.  I love the confidence and the total willingness to see her own strengths.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Sign of an Excellent Spring Break

[caption id="attachment_5194" align="alignright" width="225"]Dariush, his brother from another mother (Ben), Sophia, and Bella search for Easter Eggs. Dariush, his brother from another mother (Ben), Sophia, and Bella search for Easter Eggs.[/caption]

For the two years since Ellie passed, we have made it our tradition to travel to Pranee, the gorgeous land in the middle of Tennessee owned by my sister and family.  Having Ellie's grave site there (marked by an angel and pink crystals) seems to be only an excuse to get us to gather with family and enjoy the beauty.

At one point, Thom, my sister Susan, my nephew Dariush and Ben all went on a hike while I stayed at the Big Red Barn (our accommodations) reading a magazine while my nieces Bella and Sophia played with Lotta.  Not much of a better plan for an 8-month pregnant woman I'd say.  As they we were hiking, Dariush asked Susan, "Is this what's it's like to have a brother?"  And Susan replied she thought it probably was.  Dariush decided that he would enjoy having a brother.

[caption id="attachment_5186" align="alignleft" width="225"]Lotta poses beside Ellie's angel. Lotta poses beside Ellie's angel.[/caption]

As we were driving home, I asked everyone in the car what they most wanted to show the baby (only 4 more weeks until full term!!)  Ben responded that he most wanted to show the baby Pranee.  That's quite an endorsement from an 8-year-old.

The sign to me of a truly excellent vacation is when you are as excited to go as you are to return home.  That was most definitely the case.  Our first day home, Lotta could not stop playing with all of her toys.  She had a hard time leaving the house to go grocery shopping (one of her current favorite pastimes) as it seemed a big disruption.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Naked Uniform

[caption id="attachment_4864" align="alignleft" width="300"]Lotta modeling her summer ensemble. Lotta modeling her summer ensemble.[/caption]

For awhile when I would ask Lotta to put something away she would inform me that she was in fact, "too little" to perform such an elaborate task.  I've found if I don't use cleaning/picking up as a punishment then my kids will scramble to be a "helper".  So I (try) not to push and instead encourage when I do see cleaning/picking up happening.

The other day, Lotta was running around the house naked.  A past time that has increased since OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAshe has discovered how to dress and undress herself.  Apparently, this is THE BEST way to dance.  Completely naked.  Well as Lotta was attempting to twirl, she noticed books strewn about the floor which had been our reading material earlier (in the dressed phase of our day).  Lotta looked down and requested that I clean up the mess.  Anyone who has been pregnant knows that the 8-month-mark is NOT the greatest time to bend down picking things up off the floor.  I, in turn, requested that Lotta pick up the books.  She stopped, considered this, and said, "Me too naked".  Which prompted me to get naked and say, "Yeah, who's the most naked now?"  Just kidding, not my best time to be naked (remember that 8-months pregnant thing?) Lotta ended up bringing the books to me so that I could re-shelve them....

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ears at the Busstop

IMG_20121122_092338One day this week I wore bunny ears to the bus stop.  Absolutely no reaction from Ben whatsoever.  However, the other bus stop guardians laughed and joked about my ears.  The bus driver himself laughed when he saw me.  So I figured to get a response from Ben, I needed to bump it up a notch.

The next day I arrived at the bus stop in butterfly wings.  Again, children walking home from school, pointed and smiled.  Ben got off the bus without a reaction.  I continued to don the butterfly wings.  As I was making after school snack, I caught Ben eyeing my wings.  I inquired as to whether he had noticed I'd had bunny ears on the previous day.  He responded that he had indeed noticed, he just didn't even know how to respond to it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lotta Lotta Laughs...

[caption id="attachment_5052" align="alignright" width="225"]IMG_20121214_123041 Lotta in her fancy Christmas dress provided by Aunt Linda. If Lotta sees it in the laundry she immediately must put it on without delay.[/caption]

Lotta has been into interviewing whomever is around with whatever object happens to be microphone like nearby.  Typically her interview goes like this, "What you name Momma?"  "What you name Ben?"  Recently she has started adding singing to her microphone play.  Yesterday, Lotta was utilizing a hairbrush to sing a little song she was creating.  At request, I joined in on the fun and began singing quite wholeheartedly about how we were going to go to the grocery store.  At first this amused and delighted my daughter.  Suddenly, things changed, and she said, "Please no sing mommy."  Sort of felt like I got booted from a talent competition.

IMG_20130102_133910Ben recently acquired the card game, "Would You Rather".  In the game you are given 2 choices, for example, "Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?"  One of the questions asked if we would rather grow a giraffe neck OR grow our bums twice it's size.  I responded that since pregnancy is very much like growing your bum twice it's size, I 'd try something new with the giraffe neck.  Everyone else at the table agreed the giraffe neck would be preferred.

Until it was Lotta's turn.  Lotta decided she would absolutely grow her booty because then she would have more to shake.  She even stood in her booster chair (not recommended by the manufacturer) to show us how she would groove with her new enhanced derriere.