Monday, April 15, 2013

A Naked Uniform

[caption id="attachment_4864" align="alignleft" width="300"]Lotta modeling her summer ensemble. Lotta modeling her summer ensemble.[/caption]

For awhile when I would ask Lotta to put something away she would inform me that she was in fact, "too little" to perform such an elaborate task.  I've found if I don't use cleaning/picking up as a punishment then my kids will scramble to be a "helper".  So I (try) not to push and instead encourage when I do see cleaning/picking up happening.

The other day, Lotta was running around the house naked.  A past time that has increased since OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAshe has discovered how to dress and undress herself.  Apparently, this is THE BEST way to dance.  Completely naked.  Well as Lotta was attempting to twirl, she noticed books strewn about the floor which had been our reading material earlier (in the dressed phase of our day).  Lotta looked down and requested that I clean up the mess.  Anyone who has been pregnant knows that the 8-month-mark is NOT the greatest time to bend down picking things up off the floor.  I, in turn, requested that Lotta pick up the books.  She stopped, considered this, and said, "Me too naked".  Which prompted me to get naked and say, "Yeah, who's the most naked now?"  Just kidding, not my best time to be naked (remember that 8-months pregnant thing?) Lotta ended up bringing the books to me so that I could re-shelve them....

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