Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lotta Lotta Laughs...

[caption id="attachment_5052" align="alignright" width="225"]IMG_20121214_123041 Lotta in her fancy Christmas dress provided by Aunt Linda. If Lotta sees it in the laundry she immediately must put it on without delay.[/caption]

Lotta has been into interviewing whomever is around with whatever object happens to be microphone like nearby.  Typically her interview goes like this, "What you name Momma?"  "What you name Ben?"  Recently she has started adding singing to her microphone play.  Yesterday, Lotta was utilizing a hairbrush to sing a little song she was creating.  At request, I joined in on the fun and began singing quite wholeheartedly about how we were going to go to the grocery store.  At first this amused and delighted my daughter.  Suddenly, things changed, and she said, "Please no sing mommy."  Sort of felt like I got booted from a talent competition.

IMG_20130102_133910Ben recently acquired the card game, "Would You Rather".  In the game you are given 2 choices, for example, "Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?"  One of the questions asked if we would rather grow a giraffe neck OR grow our bums twice it's size.  I responded that since pregnancy is very much like growing your bum twice it's size, I 'd try something new with the giraffe neck.  Everyone else at the table agreed the giraffe neck would be preferred.

Until it was Lotta's turn.  Lotta decided she would absolutely grow her booty because then she would have more to shake.  She even stood in her booster chair (not recommended by the manufacturer) to show us how she would groove with her new enhanced derriere.

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