Monday, October 15, 2012

Whatever you do do NOT panic

On our trip to Chicago this summer, we ventured to Navy Pier to visit our all time favorite children's museum.  Outside in the middle of a a square was a fountain which Ben desperately wanted to run through, as was being demonstrated by a gaggle of kids.  After years of parenting, we have learned this is the activity to do AFTER accomplishing all other activities.  Definitely a valuable lesson.

At the appointed time, Lotta and Ben were wholeheartedly playing in the fountain, while Thom and I sat on a bench entertained.  A couple of times Lotta would run to a different side of the square and look up, seeing a different set of adults sitting on benches watching.  She would begin to panic and yell, "Mama, Dada!"  At the same time, Thom and I could see her, and we would be yelling, "Lotta, we are over here!"  She was so busy yelling however, she could not here us.

It reminded me of how I think about my "invisible friends" (angels, spirit guides, ancestors, God) that surround me giving me all the help I could ever need.  But when I am in a panic, I can't hear their calls.  It's not that they aren't there it is that I cannot hear them.  I guess I feel like right now is my opportunity to pay attention to those voices, particularly that voice that I identify as Ellie's.  Somehow continuing to develop a relationship with her even while I can no longer see her.  Maybe in some circles that makes me crazy, listening to the "voices in my head" or my "invisible friends".  Guess I don't run in those circles.  Oh well.

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