Monday, October 1, 2012

Memory Sandwiches

Sunday, September 23 was the 2nd annual Madison Make-A-Wish Walk.  We signed up late and just couldn't quite get our act together to form a team.  Which was how I wanted it when we were two weeks out from walking, just a small family function.  Then on the day of the walk, I found myself wishing we had worked to create a team.  Last year we had a big turnout and we even thought we might win the largest team award. It felt as if Ellie had been forgotten this year, which was ridiculous, because as I said, I initially wanted it to be a small family function.  Nevertheless, I was missing Ellie fiercely, even her protests at having to walk, and especially her desire to tit tat (talk chit chat) with every single volunteer along the route.  I was in a funky space.  At the end of the walk, Ben somehow became Ellie, declaring he couldn't possibly go on.  Lots of crying.  Even dropping to his knees to crawl across the finish line.  It was highly dramatic, even more dramatic than Ellie would have made it.  Felt like a little tribute to her from Ben.

Today I was bike riding with Lotta strapped to my back, it was a crisp fall morning, all the leaves aglow perfect for riding.  I suddenly had the thought that right now it is my job to make "memory sandwiches".  So many things around Madison, around our home, events remind me of Ellie.  Make me yearn to be near her again. If I am able, I can start to build new memories on top of all the funderful, delicious memories I have of Ellie.   A memory sandwich would be creating a new memory over the old ones that are already there.  Thus creating, a stackable memory sandwich.  It made me smile thinking of how much Ellie would enjoy this concept, maybe not as much as a hug sandwich, but enjoyable nonetheless.

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