Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Consider yourself updated...

[caption id="attachment_2801" align="alignright" width="263" caption="Again Ellie looks so wise in so many of her newborn photos."][/caption]

OK so baby Sunshine did not agree with me that 8-9-10 would in fact be the perfect birthdate.  Every day now Ben gets super excited, "Maybe today will be the day OR maybe next week." 

My friend, Jen, (from Zumba not to be confused with Dr. Jen, Jenny, Jennifer or Jennifer) requested that I blog an update on Ellie.  Ellie continues to do better and better.  Her neurologist suggested we try Ritalin as a stimulant.  If you do not have ADHD, then it acts as a stimulant.  As you know, every time we start decreasing her steroids, Ellie becomes more sleepy and starts leaning when she sits/stands/walks.  Last week this was beginning to happen once again.  We started her on Ritalin and she was suddenly more awake and not leaning at all.  Amazing.  Her physical therapist said they had the best session ever--Ellie was stronger, not leaning, and even more cooperative and focused. 

Yesterday we went to the hospital for a blood draw and to clean Ellie's port.  Ellie still has her port (an access point for blood draws and IVs)  in from when she was doing chemotherapy.  It is a surgical procedure to remove the port and we wanted Ellie to be stronger before putting her through yet another surgical procedure.  So once a month, we have to get the port cleaned by our oncology nurse, Peter.  Peter is so fabulous.  He loves to laugh and thoroughly enjoys Ellie's words and stories.  As we were getting ready to depart, we ran into Dr. Puccetti (oncologist) and Kristin, her nurse practitioner AND Dr. Iskandar (neurosurgeon extraordinaire) and his nurse practitioner, Jane.  Dr. Iskandar immediately asked how Ellie was doing on the Ritalin.  I was amazed that just off the top of his head he would recall that was our most recent course of action.  Then he asked Ellie what her little sister's name was going to be, because he recalled that Ellie wants a sister AND that we STILL don't have a boy's name chosen.  I mean the man is a freakin' brain surgeon.  How does he keep all of these extraneous details in his brain along with all the mechanics of the brain and brain surgery.  I was totally touched that he recalled.  I could not imagine the people we worked with in Chicago even being able to recall Ellie's name, not to mention all of the details of her.   When we returned home, I called Thom to tell him, once again what a fantabulous medical team we have here!!

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