Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Holland Tunnel is NOT in fact a pedestrian zone...

[caption id="attachment_2019" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ghany, Susan, Bella"]Ghany, Susan, Bella[/caption]

I wanted to acknowledge my one-of-a-kind brother-in-law Ghany (my sister's husband) who turns 40 today, July 3rd.

Last year in March, Ben & I traveled to New York City to celebrate my sister, Susan, turning 40.  My all time favorite moment with Ghany was when he stopped traffic so that we could cross the entry to the Holland Tunnel.  I mean literally, stood in front of 5-6 lanes of cars with his arm in the "stop" position.  Until some police officers arrived on the scene to tell us that was not in fact permissible.   Priceless and pure Ghany Zafer.  He just has that ability to do what he wants to do with unbridled enthusiasm and without hesitation.

[caption id="attachment_2026" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ghany with his family on top of him..."]Ghany with his family on top of him...[/caption]

There are times when I feel afraid to ask for what I want, as if even asking would be appalling.  Then as Ghany as my inspiration, I go for it.   We used to call it "pulling a Ghany".  He expects to get what he wants.

Ghany easily sees everyone around him as his friend or a potential friend.  He is unafraid to go table to table at a restaurant to make sure to include everyone in the party that he himself is creating at that moment.  When you are in Ghany's home you would be hard pressed not to feel welcome.  There are times when I have felt my hosting skills lacking and wished that Ghany were at my home to show me how its done.

[caption id="attachment_2748" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The picture Susan thinks describes Ghany best...."][/caption]

When someone does give him a "no", as occasionally happens, he turns it into a great big "yes".  When his residency unexpectedly fell through in Kansas City, and he had a tremendous offer from Memphis, Susan & Ghany were reluctant to leave Kansas City, but they forged ahead.  The offer was just too good to pass up.  Now, years later, they have not only tolerated being in Memphis, they have thoroughly and completely made it their home.  I cannot imagine them living anywhere else.  Not only that, they make Memphis look so good that my Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Doug moved there and many other visitors have contemplated making Memphis their home too.  That is quite a statement.

When we were at a park in Brooklyn, a woman was sharing with Ghanyhow her son wanted to crawl in bed and snuggle with her and Ghany said, "Of course he does."  I could see the look of relief on this mom's face as she had just interacted with someone who really understood what she was saying and did not try to convince her that her actions or her son's were wrong.

[caption id="attachment_2747" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ghany offers himself as a delightful centerpiece for any wedding photo."][/caption]

Then when Ghany was in Central park renting bikes to ride with his daughter, Bella, he came across a Chinese wedding.  He asked if he could have his photo taken with the bride and groom, which they readily agreed to.  Again, he just jumps right into the fun, not seeing the wedding party as strangers, but instead as friends he is just now meeting.

When we lived in Chicagoland, we were having challenges with the hospital, particularly when getting MRIs.  We decided to get an MRI in Memphis instead.  The experience we had in Memphis was like we weren't even doing the same thing, it was so much easier.  Ghany really went all out.  He even tried to place the IV for Ellie but it was too hard to do it on someone so small that he loved so much.  Afterwards, Ghany took the day off of work so that we wouldn't have to wait at the hospital so long, so that he could keep an eye on her.  At one point, Ghany was sitting in the living room recovering from the morning and Ellie went up to him and asked him how hewas doing.  Ghany was simply amazed that even though Ellie was the one who had been sedated that morning, she was checking in on HIM, rather than the other way around.  It was such a sweet uncle/niece moment and I will never forget how Ghany was so touched by Ellie.  To this day, Ghany treats Ellie with a compassion and patience and just pure love that takes my breath away.  Not everyone "gets" Ellie, Ellie is fortunate enough to have an Uncle Ghany who does.

Happy 40th Birthday, Ghany!!

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