Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A new week

So Sunday night was one of the low points in recovery as Ellie was so exhausted after being awake for much of the weekend she kept falling.  I had the thought, "OK enough already!!!! I am ready for a change!!"  I was so sick and tired of the falling down and worse the wailing that followed the falling and the subsequent bruises.  Monday morning it was as if my wish were granted.  Ellie went up and down the stairs twice by herself (with me trailing her of course).   As in walking up and down the stairts not scooting.  She was walking around tit tatting (talk + chit chat) with me like she used to do.   I was feeling so confident that I gave her a bath by myself which I had not done since her last surgery for fear that she would get stuck in the tub and I would not be able to get her out.  After we finished her bath, she turned to the back of the tub and sort of walked herself up into standing.  Without my asssitance at all.  I have been recalling the first time Ellie was in the hospital, a mom was complaining how her 7-year-old was back in diapers.  She was frustrated, despairing.  And I recall so clearly wondering how she could complain when I was just in the space of being greatful that Ellie was alive.  But what perspective did I have to judge really because I had a 20-month-old.  I feel like this extended recovery has given me the opportunity to be more compassionate towards that mom.  I mean I have no idea what her story and her son's story is so who I am to judge?  Ellie really truly seeming to be on the road to recovery made me feel possibilities opening up.  Like Ben being able to go to day camp at the Y to prepare him for kindergarten.  Before I could not imagine how I would even  get him there because I could not get Ellie to the car and back in the house safely.  Now it feels like getting out to take Ben and pick him up would be great strengthening for Ellie too.  And last week during her "decline" none of these seemed remotely possible.  Amazing how much can change in a week! 

A super duper thanks to Cynthia for her surprise Monday visit.  Bringing dinner over last night.  AND bringing bagels and dolls for Ellie this morning.  WOW!!!  That's just about all we can say.

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