Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I demand my money back!!

After a not very restful night, Ben & I arrived back at the hospital around 10am.  I had waited for Thom to call me so that I would not disturb them should he or Ellie be asleep.  I think he did not want to call me for fear that I might still be asleep.  I was anxious to see how she was doing.  When we arrived, she was sleeping.  As I started performing my normal hospital routine of putting things away, Ellie began to stir.  Her eyes opened and she looked at me.  Oh how happy I was to see those bright brown eyes starring back at me.  But she wasn't saying anything.  I could tell she wanted to, but she somehow just couldn't.  Medical professionals kept coming in and asking me questions, "Has she urinated yet?"  To which I had no reply as Ben had dragged Thom off to the playroom before I could ask these essential questions.  Thus, I steered everyone to the playroom for any questions about the evening shift.  Dr. Hsu (neurologist) came in with a roomful of medical students/residents to discuss Ellie's case.  Ellie lay motionless on the bed, barely able to turn her head to the left side to look at me while having occasional jerking in her arms and chests (clonic movements apparently).  I was a bit panicked, feeling as if Ellie talking in a slurred mumbled way was so much better than not being able to talk at all for crying out loud.  Was I going to have to demand my money back??  Almost immediately after Dr. Hsu and crew left, Ellie began to talk with me.  Here's what she kept saying, "I don't need to go."  "Really I don't need to go."  "I don't need to go."  It was like her brain was stuck on letting us know that she did not need to go to the bathroom.  Or maybe when she could not talk that was what she so desperately wanted to say.  OK, I thought repeating the same thing over and over is better than not talking at all.   By the time Thom & Ben returned from the playroom, Ellie was much more herself, coming up with silly things to say.  Thom was amazed at how much she had progressed in the short amount of time he had been gone.  I guess she just needed a little mommy magic (ha!)

It was around lunchtime so I suggested I go get a bite to eat with Ben before Thom & Ben left for the day.  As I said this, Ellie suddenly insisted that she be able to eat something too.  Something she has not been interested in doing for awhile.  When we brought the muffin back to her room, her monitor started going crazy beeping because her heart rate and resperation went up so fast.  She gobbled down that muffin.

Now Ellie is resting peacefully in bed, not asleep but not energetic enough to really do much but lay and stare.  Funny how after seeing her so much worse yesterday, even that I am even grateful for that.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear about the gobbled muffin! Hope to talk soon.

    I will ask Debi & Thom directly, but If there is anyone out there (mom, brother, etc) that can tell me best ways to help the Kennedys, please speak up!

    Much love always, Cynthia


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