Thursday, December 10, 2009

Giggle juice

This morning they must have given Ellie some giggle juice because I am telling you, everything I say is absolutely hilarious to her.  Unfortunately when she laughs it hurts her incision site, so it is sort of a laugh/grimace kind of action.  Then I tell her, "Don't laugh!"  Which only makes her laugh all the more.  For example, her monitor started beeping and said, "skipped a beat" and I commented how this sounded like a Janet Jackson song, "You skipped a beat..." of course with the appropriate Janet type of moves.  And she could not stop laughing.  Then I told Ellie that my nose keeps running and it is driving me crazy.  She could not stop laughing envisioning my nose running off of my face.  At this point, I guess I don't need jokes to make her laugh, just more giggle juice. 

So recovery yesterday took a lot longer, which was why I had not heard back from Thom.  I mean it took hours.  Here is the report I received from Thom about those hours upon hours in recovery.  "She took longer in recovery than expected."  Is it something about having that Y chromosome that makes all the details seep out of his body before he can report them to me?  I am quite certain that I would have had at the very least a 20 minute monologue about all of the events.   Or at the very least a blog.  God bless him, he can't help it.  I guess it just gives me more time to talk.

Right now Ellie is having another MRI (one that was originally scheduled for 8:30 am this morning, but you know we are on hospital time here).  When I questioned Thom as to why she is having another MRI when she didn't after previous shunt revisions, Thom told me he had no idea.  I am guessing they want a more detailed picture of what is going on than the numerous quick brain MRIs we have completed as of late.  Ellie will be really really happy when she awakens because she will be able to eat again, something she was very much wanting to do before the MRI.   

Overall Ellie is doing much better than when I last saw her, she is able to hold a conversation (until she becomes too tired).  A student volunteer was reading to Ellie earlier today and was having trouble saying one of Ellie's words.  Ellie very quietly and sincerely told her, "Don't worry, you will never be in trouble with me."  Oh man was it so sweet, so typical Ellie.

1 comment:

  1. The Y chromosome comments cracked me right up. It's like I'm on giggle juice or something. So true. The Y chromosome comments, that is.


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