Saturday, August 8, 2009

The incomparable Betsy C.

[caption id="attachment_428" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A very young Ellie held by Betsy C."]A very young Ellie held by Betsy C.[/caption]

This has been one of the hardest blogs for me to write and not because there isn't a lot to say, but because there is so much to say about Betsy C.  How do I possibly capture the love and appreciation I feel for the (nonhospital/father) person who saw our daughter first?  For the person who taught said daughter at 3, the word "ambiance"?  For the person who rode the train all night long to attend my sister's baby shower in Memphis?  Seriously, she has gone way beyond the call of friendship in the years I have known her.

Betsy C. is one of those people that Thom & I both continually pick as the answer to the question, "If you could be like anyone you know, who would it be?"  Not only is she wise and an extremely loyal friend, she walks the walk.  She actually DOES the things she talks about.  For example, one year, she decided to spend the holidays in Paris, France. When she wants to do something , she finds a way to do it, not caving into the excuses of why something will not work, but instead discovering a way.

[caption id="attachment_2078" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Betsy C. joins us for sunny fun in Florida!"]Betsy C. joins us for sunny fun in Florida![/caption]

I wasn't that familiar with Betsy C. when we went to the same college in Kirksville, Missouri.  I knew of her, we were both RAs (resident assistants), I just didn't really know her.  Then, after moving to Chicago, Thom & I both kept running into her.  Weird.  Then, Thom ended up working at the same place she was working, Recycled Paper Greetings.  It was like she was supposed to be in our lives, and we would keep getting opportunities for that to happen until we finally took notice.

When I got pregnant with Ellie, it was Betsy C.  who offered to throw me a Chicago baby shower.  And she was the one who

[caption id="attachment_1283" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="There she is the centerpiece to the birthday party."]There she is the centerpiece to the birthday party.[/caption]

laughed when I complained that I had to urinate every five seconds when I was barely pregnant (little did I know how much this would intensify by the end of pregnancy.)

When Ellie was born, we called Betsy C. and she left work in the middle of the day, bringing doughnuts and Boston Market because I was no longer on a restricted diet.  Then she came over the next day to visit and see our little bundle.  Oh, the joy of having friends who have known Ellie since birth.   She was the first non-hospital person to meet Ellie outside of Thom and I.

When Ellie was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Betsy C. was one of the first people I called.

[caption id="attachment_2084" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Betsy C., so wonderful, just makes you want to take her home."]Betsy C., so wonderful, just makes you want to take her home.[/caption]

She jumped in her car, and unbeknownst to us, raced to the hospital to be with us.  She arrived right when Thom was checking us in.   Betsy C. then put her life on hold to assist us, even sending her own mother to the rescue when I was having a crisis and she was at work.  Not only that, but she offered to hold the breast pump for me when I kept falling asleep pumping.  I mean, how many friends would offer that and truly mean it?

While in Chicago, Betsy C. was the "centerpiece" to all our parties.  Before sending out any invitations, we would call Betsy C.  to find out what her availability was.  She just has this way of being that makes anything more fun if she is around.  Her ease and love of fun radiates to everyone in her vicinity.

When Ellie was Betsi, maybe 6 months old, we moved to La Grange, IL.  Betsy C. helped us out and she took Ellie into one of our new bedrooms, where Ellie proceeded to turn on and off the lights.  Betsy C.  ran to show me this amazing accomplishment.  However, when I came into the room, Ellie refused to perform.  To which Betsy C.  responded, "I think there is a lot she can do that she is not telling you."

[caption id="attachment_138" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Even at the tiny table, she is still the centerpiece to our party."]At the tiny table.[/caption]

In the spring, we took a day trip and met Betsy C. at one of our favorite restaurants in La Grange.  When she arrived, both of my children ran joyfully to hug her and shower her with love and affection.  I just sat back and watched the whole scene, reveling in the joy that my children were spreading.  That's a lot of joy, isn't it?

She is such a superb listener that at times, I feel as if I cannot stop talking.  Once when I called to discuss when we should do something medical, Betsy proclaimed that I had a great sense of perfect timing.  She is just that kind of friend, allowing you to be where you are, yet encouraging you by reminding you of your own fabulousness.

When Betsy C.  told me about her group coaching program ( in Chicago, I knew that I wanted to be a part s100_0038of this magnificent event.  It was an event.  One of the many benefits of the program for me is having the opportunity to see Betsy do her magic and being able to share in the dreams she holds for herself.  I wish I could carry a little Betsy C. around with me always in my pocket, listening, encouraging, having fun, she would be so handy to have around.  But alas, she seems to have other things she wants to do, which ironically is one of the things I like most about her, she is so much out there saying YES! to life.  When she has traveled with us (Florida and Sheboygan) she is the easiest traveler ever.  I think what makes her so easy to roll into our family is that she does not instantly throw judgments into what is happening with Ben & Ellie.  Instead she sort of just stops and pays attention and maybe offers a question, maybe just observes.  Betsy C. is one of my favorite people, she is more than a friend, she is like a second sister I was fortunate enough to run into over and over and overagain until I finally caught on that perhaps all of our lives would be enriched with her presence.

[caption id="attachment_2080" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben shows Betsy C some love."]Den shows Betsy C some love.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2081" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ben & Betsy C."]Ben & Betsy C.[/caption]


1 comment:

  1. I do believe that you have a little Betsy C. in your pocket, my dear. I'm so happy for your family that she is part of your family!


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