Saturday, August 29, 2009

Buttons, buttons everywhere

One day a couple of years ago, I decided I would set off for Milwaukee with my two children in tow to explore the Milwaukee Children's Museum.  And in my mind, the real reason, to go to my all time favorite Milwaukee restaurant.  The only Milwaukee restaurant every reviewed by our local artsy newspaper (the Isthmus).  I was ready for an adventure, ready to explore new terrains.   Both of my children slept almost the entire ride to Milwaukee (around an hour and a half), making it a highly peaceful ride.  As we neared the city, I noticed there was some construction, thus the exit indicated in my directions was closed.  As I began to slow down, both of my children woke up from their naps.  As soon as Ellie woke up, she started earnestly discussing her desire to go home.  RIGHT NOW.  Oh boy, I thought, we've got trouble right here in this car.  Well, I began to explain how we had just arrived in Milwaukee and we were almost at the restaurant and how we really needed to let Ben outta the car to run around a bit before heading back to Madison. 

Ellie became really quiet in the backseat as I continued to ponder what to do if she pooped out this early in the trip.  Suddenly, Ellie said to me, "We can go there now.  My fun button was turned off and I just turned it back on."  Brilliant.  From their began our discussions of the Fun Button, which eventually morphed into the Jutton (joy + button).  Now Ellie talks about juttons almost nonstop, handing them out to everyone she meets and insisting that others go to jabool (joy + button + school) to learn what a joy button is and its proper usage.  No doubt if you have seen Ellie within the last 6 months, you have attended Jabool yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy! I am sooooooooo far behind in my commenting. I could certainly learn a lesson from your Ellie-riffic girl! It takes me way too long to turn my fun button back on sometimes. Here's to juttons! I need to enroll in jabool school. Sign me up!


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