Friday, August 14, 2009

The chip or the bag?

[caption id="attachment_2104" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Eating chips..."]Eating chips...[/caption]

So the other day we were at our local grocery store (Willy Street Co-op).  Ellie has had low sodium as of late and chips have sounded like the most wonderful thing to eat to her (and that excites her endocrinologist).  Well, as Ellie was munching on her bag of chips, ingesting that much needed salt, she dropped one chip on the grocery store floor (Ellie would say, "that rhymes!!)  Unlike her brother, she did not snatch it up off the floor and pop it into her mouth before I could protest.  Oh how sad she was for that lost chip.  She looked at me, on the verge of tears, bemoaning the fact that the chip had been dropped.  She couldn't believe something like this could happen to her.  I said to her, "You can focus on the chip OR you can focus on the entire bag that you can still eat."  I thought how easy it is to focus on the fallen chip, rather than the bag of chips that we have.  We feel as if we have to fix the fallen chip, make it better, talk about it, feel all the feelings, call a friend, write a blog.  When appreciating the rest of the bag feels so much better.  What an amazing teacher she is!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I cannot stop focusing on that lost chip. Thanks for the reminder.


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