Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bella!

[caption id="attachment_227" align="alignleft" width="293" caption="Bella dresses up"]Bella dresses up[/caption]

October 22 is my fabulous niece Bella's 8th birthday and I would like to dedicate this blog to her.   

When I was a little girl, it always took me the longest to get ready.  The creative process of choosing an outfit takes time, a concept that not all understand.  Now, when I get dressed, I think of what costume I will get to wear that day.  Will I be a "fancy lady" (as Lola says) wearing sparkly things?  Will I be a fun, casual girl?  Will I be a professional?  My niece Bella and I share this trait of wanting our outfits to be just so.  The last time my mom visited, I was going through the process of choosing my costume for the day.  As I tried on yet another shirt (or pants or skirt or who knows) my mom queried why it mattered to me.  I explained to her that when I pick an outfit, it has to feel the right way or I don't wanna leave the house.  I know that Bella understands this because there was a time when she was barely able to walk and talk and she too was having difficulty leaving the house because her headband did not properly match her ensemble.  Because I had to be supportive of a fellow mom, my sister Susan, I couldn't tell Bella that I completely understood at the time.  But now it seems safe to say, I completely get that.  

When I had Ellie, back on January 26, Susan (my sister, Bella's mom) flew from warm(er) Memphis to snowy Chicago to meet Ellie for the first time.  She could Bella Boo at twonot wait for the warm to arrive to meet her new niece.  At the time of Ellie's birth, we were living in a 3rd floor walk up and Susan raced up all 3 flights so as to get to Ellie faster.  Susan went with us the very first time we took Ellie to a restaurant, a Chinese place close by that seemed much louder and brighter than pre-baby.  At one point, we were eating Mexican food and Susan felt a bit nauseated.  Perhaps it was just the excitement of traveling.  When she went back to Memphis, she discovered that she was pregnant with the one and only Isabella Faith.  So, nine months after Ellie's birth, Bella was born.  (Then several years later Sophia came along and 9 months after her arrival, our Ben arrived.) 

One of the things I admire about Bella is what an absolutely exceptional host she is.  Her parents are the absolutely best hosts that I know, so she's had great role models.  On one of her birthdays, she had a huge bash with a pony and a petting zoo.  Well, we just happened to arrive the day of her party and we were rather tired.  So for most of the party we retreated to the quiet of the guest bedroom.  Imagine how incredibly special we felt when Bella spent a large portion of her birthday party not out galloping on a horse, but upstairs with us reading books. 
Ellie & Bella reading with Aunt SusanEvery time we come to visit, Bella makes a special point to connect with Ellie, even though, it seems as if much of the time Ellie can't even see Bella.  It's as if Ellie has a blindness to all the children in the family (with the exception of babies).  Nevertheless, every single time we come to visit, Bella will attempt to converse with Ellie.  If that's not enough, Bella gives up her room so that Ellie can have a quiet, private place to retreat.  I have no doubt that the next time we visit, Bella will persevere and attempt to connect with Ellie again.   Now that is what I call true, unconditional love.

On another trip, we arrived right after Ellie had lost several of her baby teeth.  Apparently, a dentist informed Bella that if you chew food with your mouth open, your teeth will fall out.  Bella became understandbly concerned when she saw Ellie chomping away, mouth wide open, food clearly visible as she was eating.   Thus, Bella was convinced that her dental friend was correct and she tried hard to convince Ellie to save her teeth.  


Finally, there was the time that Thom decided he would take Bella on a "date" to the movie Night at the Museum.  The next night, I decided I would take Bella on a "date" and she graciously agreed to go to the exact same movie.  Well we were running a little bit late.  So once we sat down, Bella told me everything that had happened in the movie thus far, so that I wouldn't be lost or confused. 

Bella & SophiaSusan is forever bragging, I mean telling me, how great it is to have Bella around because Bella is always looking out for the other children in the household and she will immediately inform Susan if anything is amiss.  Bella is one of the kids that is hard NOT to like because she is just so friendly, thoughtful, kind, smart, and sociable.  She is the one in class who is always willing to help her teacher or another student.  I think if Ellie could "see" her (which maybe next time she will) she would call her, "faburiffic" (fabulous + terrific).  My life just wouldn't be as great as it is if I didn't get to be the aunt of such a wonderful niece.  Thank you, Bella for all the ways you have brightened our lives!  Happy Birthday & we love you (even when we ignore you)!

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