Saturday, October 25, 2008

Appreciating the Appreciator

In order to complete the cycle of appreciation I thought it prudent to acknowledge Debi.

Debi has already set our stage so I don’t need to do that, which has a definite advantage for me.  As she has pointed out (and quite frankly let me off the hook with), I don’t necessarily remember all of the same details that she does.   So off we go…

1.     Humor
I think this is the best of us.  Debi has a great sense of humor which is very compatible with my own.  It is really super that she gets me and my jokes.  This is especially nice when no one else does.  She also has the willingness to be goofy and not just for the kids.  She is even willing to high-five anyone at the hospital to get things moving.  I think she is getting funnier too.

2.    MY Best Friend
If she thinks I am her best friend then she is really, really mine.  She is the person I want to be with more than anyone else in the world.  That sense of humor thing comes in handy here too.  And, she is definitely my “first to tell” person.
That whole number thing is not working for me anymore.

She makes a great “first to tell” person because she is excited.  She is excited about a lot of things and this flows easily into excitement about my things (unless it has to do with football).  I know that her excitement helps us move into more and more exciting things.

Along with her excitement comes her commitment, especially when it comes to the kiddos.  She is a wonderful Mom who is in their corner even if that means telling a doctor that they are just wrong.  She does all sorts of research when it comes to the kids, everything from all that medical crap to the best shoe (in the appropriate color, of course).  I know that all moms love their children so it is hard to say how much she truly loves Ellie and Ben.  She is helping them both to evolve with incredible patients and a willingness to try stuff.  Every day I get a report of the day and there is often some new technique or “trick” attempted to keep the joy present.  She knows what they need and does her darndest(sp?) to provide it.

I also want to mention Debi’s strength; she had two kids naturally for goodness sake.  She/we have obviously been through some stuff but Debi helps us all bounce back to beyond “normal”.

Finally, I asked Ellie what she appreciated about Mommy and she immediately said “Fun!”.  We all have fun together and none of this is worth much without that.  Debi is fun.

So that is my appreciation (before she be dead) response and, if I may, encourage your comments of the same.  Debi, btw, LOVES comments, hint, hint.


  1. Wow! That's just about all I can say is WOW!! I like how you put "patients" instead of "patience" b/c we have been "patients" so often. I like how you mentioned the significance of the "high five" in a medical setting and I just plain like you and how you like my goofiness. I don't think I've fired THAT many doctors, have I? But thanks for noticing that I am willing to do that if necessary.

  2. This blog made me do what I always try to elicit in my own blogs--laugh and cry from being so touched. In gratitude.

  3. Thom, you make a mom proud! I agree with every nice thing you have said about delightful Debi. I would also add that on top of her fun and goofiness, she is highly intelligent and compassionate. These are important to me when I want to discuss highly intelligent issues and when Dee Spair is visiting me and she is able to ask me all the right questions and show me empathy, compassion and love. I also appreciate that she has not held on to the past and blamed me for my mistakes, but has taken the parts that were challenging and created her adult life to be what she 1wants it to be. I say Hoorah for Debi!!I am blessed to have her in my life

  4. I just knew you would leave an awesome comment Mom. Thanks for all you said and for all you've contributed to my life!!

  5. 1. Totally! Fer sure!

    2. So perfect.

    Where are the numbers? Yay football! Not.

    Excitement, commitment, strength, fun! Thom, you scored! She did too.

    I remember Debi telling me Ellie's story for the first time. I know my jaw was on the ground. She graciously helped me pick it up off the floor. She made sure I was feeling okay. What?!?! Who is this person? I could not believe this 6:30am exercising ray of sunshine was going through this with her dear daughter, husband and son. I am in a constant state of awe and admiration. I hope to be half as good as Debi.

  6. Cynthia--

    You made me tear up telling about when I told you Ellie's history. I am going to have dole out your comments as little pieces of goodness to savor every day. Thanks for all of your fabu sharing. Gotta go make Mac-n-cheese...


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