Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Fork Distribution

Maybe a year ago, I decided I needed to "Mary Poppins" our before dinner routine.  By that, I mean, I wanted to solicit help from the children in making dinner appear (all while singing merrily, "A Spoon Full of Sugar" of course).  Zibbi's job was collecting flatwear for everyone at the table, mostly because she has very particular tastes in what utensil should be distributed to each family member.  (She's always had a strong sense of her opinions.) Recently, Benja sat down at his spot and wondered allowed, "Why is my fork so small??"  For he had been given a small fork with which to eat.  Zibbi quickly arose from her table spot (yes we all have assigned spots to avoid nightly disagreements over where to sit) and approached Benja's face saying, "Because you are a DUKE."  Meaning, a smaller fork was distributed to him because he held a lower status.  Zibbi's father had the largest fork.  I was awarded the fanciest fork.  It just made so much sense in her own mind that she couldn't imagine how anyone could misunderstand her system. 

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