Friday, March 6, 2020

The Troublesome Tooth Fairy

So the Tooth Fairy has had a challenging time lately delivering the goods in a timely manner.  The first time, the speculated cause was that the tooth was not extracted until well into the evening, near bedtime.  It was assumed that the tooth fairy was unable to get our home on the schedule for that evening.  When she did deliver, she included a small "late fee".

Next time, TF again did not arrive the following morning.  Zibbi descended the stairs, head down, tears in her eyes as she explained that the Tooth Fairy didn't come. 

Again, TF delivered late with a "late fee" included with the usual dollar. 

(Just as an aside, there is an epic tale floating around both Marquette and Lapham Elementary Schools about a student who received $10 from the Tooth Fairy!!  Even the school nurse had heard the tale...)

Then this week, when Lotta lost a tooth, TF left money, but did not in fact take the tooth.  We suggested Lotta write a "Yelp review" for the tooth fairy.  Here's what she wrote...

Lotta obviously did not want to discourage TF, still giving her 4/5 stars (!!?!)

Then, Zibbi joined in, being a bit more direct...
While the girls were in school, the Tooth Fairy responded...
Zibbi came to me last week excitedly (with a bit a of bloodiness), telling me how she had banged her tooth into something and she was sure it would come out soon.  Who knew something so very tiny could create so many stories?

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