Sunday, March 10, 2019

What Exactly are we "Saving" Here?

So Friday, we had a sunny warmer (in the upper 30s day!) Just in case you wanted to talk about the weather, it has been extremely cold and snowy for about the past two months.  So there was a great need for a bit of a reprieve.  Then, Saturday, alas it started raining.  Cold raining.  Which soon turned into more snow. 

Then today, Sunday, was daylight savings time.  I didn't used to feel so strongly AGAINST daylight savings time.  Prior to children, I had no real feelings about the whole thing.  Then, every year, with small children there is the struggle for bedtime, which now suddenly occurs in the DAYLIGHT.  And the opposite struggle to go back to awakening in the dark.  Sigh.

At bedtime, I was explaining to  Lotta (8) and Zibbi (5), how the time was changing, and we were losing an hour at midnight.  I further explained (complained?) that we all participate in this activity so that golfers can golf later in the daylight.  Lotta paused and said, "I can't imagine ANYONE golfing tomorrow." 

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