Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Becoming Street Wise...

A few weeks after school started, as we were eating dinner, Zibbi suddenly stuck her middle finger up and said, "Did you know this is a bad word??!!"  Apparently, one of her classmates had made the gesture in class and educated everyone else on how negatively this gesture is viewed by the surrounding adults.  What struck me was how easily Zibbi could stick up that one "naughty" finger, I'd never experienced anyone flipping me off with such beauty and ease.

Then, on Thanksgiving day, we watched School of Rock.  Benja and I were going to the musical the very next day (!!), we decided we should watch the original movie as research.  It is rated PG-13, but it is a 2003 PG-13, which I hoped was less risky than a 2018 PG-13 rating.  After the movie finished, we were working on getting Thanksgiving Dinner on the table.  Suddenly Zibbi shouted, "Dad, I know what your ass is."  Thom and I paused and, having misinterpreted some of her words in the past, inquired what she'd just said.  She repeated, "Dad, I know what your ass is."  Still unsure, we asked once more.  Zibbi responded that your "ass" is your "bummy".  No misunderstanding this time.  Maybe watching a PG-13 was a mistake, however, it was Thom's favorite part of the holiday.

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