Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Zibbi Gets Bigger

Monday (May 22) was Zibbi's 4th birthday!  When she woke up, I said, "Happy Birthday!  You are now FOUR!" She paused and looked at herself and then told me excitedly that she was indeed bigger.  She just needed to take in the physical proof of my announcement.

A few months ago, Zibbi read a book or watched a show where children were informed they could be anything they wanted to be.  Zibbi then went around telling us she wanted to be a cat or a box or a ring.  Although I don't think this was the intent of the author, there wasn't any stipulation on what she could choose.

During one of her visits, my mom suggested that Zibbi might in fact be my most dramatic child.  I was skeptical.  I mean they have all been dramatic in their own ways.  Then, I too was convinced, when I walked down the stairs to find Zibbi pretending she'd met her demise.  Yep.  She just might win the award for the most dramatic.

Also a few months ago, Zibbi and I were at one of our favorite stores, Trader Joe's.  I was dancing my way through the store as they were playing all the hits Thom & I loved in college.  It was like going to a dance club.  As I was thoroughly enjoying myself, quite suddenly, mid song, the music changed to something completely un-danceable.  I was shocked.  I mean was it ME?  Were they trying to control my unbridled enthusiasm?!?!

Then a week or so later, Zibbi and I once again found us at that magical store known as Trader Joe's.  There were barely any customers in the store.  This time, Zibbi was dancing her way up and down the aisles.  Because, you know, it's the way I taught her we do this particular store.

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