Monday, January 30, 2017

I won!

I wanted to share the posts on Facebook that happened over the 13 days of Ellie this year (the days between January 13th when she died to January 26th her birthday.)  It all started with this post on January 13th...

Six years ago this morning, my 10-year-old died. I remember that night so clearly, I was lying in a bed perpendicular to Ellie's bed. All night long, I could hear her struggling to breathe. And occasionally stopping. At one point, I looked out the window and I just wondered if I could possibly stand to BE in the moment right then. To be present to what was happening. I thought that instead I really wanted to jump out the window. But somehow I didn't. So today, in honor of how much Ellie has enriched my life again and again, I wear a shirt that says, "NOW". As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized, that backwards, that's WON. Surely during the long long arduous road of grief, "lose" is more the word often uttered. I thought Ellie would really appreciate the word joke of NOW-WON and it made me smile. Thank YOU all for being on my team and helping me "win".

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Just a quote...

I recently read My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.  I fell in love with this quote, "I realize then that we never have children, we receive them.  And sometimes it's not for quite as long as we would have expected or hoped.  But it is still far better than never having had these children at all."

Friday, January 27, 2017

Boys vs. Girls

A few days ago, I explained to 3-year-old Zibbi that boys can stand up to urinate.  She was astounded.  I was shocked, because recently she has been all about how girls are so much better than boys.  She was so excited that she stuttered as she joyously announced how she couldn't wait to grow up to do that.  I think maybe I didn't explain that correctly.  Of course, I couldn't burst her bubble.