Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lotta Laughs

100_3502Two-year-olds and their accidental humor.  Keeps me entertained much of the day.

The other morning, I'd given Lotta some Cheerios in a small bowl that she had then proceeded to dump all over the floor.  When I saw the mess, I requested that Lotta put the bowl in the kitchen rather than on the floor.  She looked at me and stated, "Me no like Cheerios".  Then suddenly, the dumped bowl of Cheerios was not a mess, but rather, a statement.

Lotta and Ben like playing baby dragon right now which entails Ben being a baby Dragon and Lotta taking care of said baby Dragon.  As they were playing in the tub, Lotta suddenly said, "Ben likes me most of the time."  Which seemed actually pretty astute.

The other morning, I came downstairs with a band-aide on my hand.  Lotta looked at me, inquiring what had happened.  I explained that I had an owe-y and just needed a band-aide to protect it.  Lotta looked at me seriously and said, "That bad."

100_3488Our bathroom has had some ceiling issues.  As in at one point, rain was pouring into our bathroom from the roof, much to Ben's delight.  Well, we thought we'd finally corrected the problem when a stain started appearing on the ceiling again.  When Thom went to touch it, he accidentally left a hole.  Although the problem has been corrected, the hole remains.  Now every time we are exploring around the house, if Lotta sees something that is broken, she assumes "Daddy did it.  That make me mad."

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