Saturday, June 16, 2012

And the Topic is Things You Find in the Nighttime....

[caption id="attachment_4736" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Lotta learns to drive her car."][/caption]

Lotta has another cold.  Ugh.  The kind where she sounds all rattley and wheezy, which I just absolutely can not stand.  It seems to bother me a whole heck of a lot more than it bothers Lotta.  A few mornings ago when Lotta woke up I asked if she wanted to share with Ben what she had watched the night before.  Immediately, she said, "Moon!"  "Oh, that is a great guess, but no, not the moon," I encouraged her.  "Duck! Duck! Duck!" she exclaimed as if she were a guest on a game show. "Oh another good guess, but no, we saw the train."  For some reason, the train seemed somewhat of a let down after the possibility of the moon and ducks.

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