Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ow and Aw

[caption id="attachment_4574" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Lotta as a bear."][/caption]

On our walks recently, Lotta and I have listened to the birds.  Many times we hear crows, yelling "CAW CAW".  (Did you know that a crows brain/body mass is actually greater than a humans?  Apparently they are quite intelligent, but I digress.)  Now when I ask Lotta what sound a bird makes, she says "AAWW AWWW"!

When I explained to Lotta the sound a cat makes, "meow",  for some reason, she only heard the "ow" in it.  Now when she crawls around the house pretending to be a cat, she says, "OW OW OW OW".   We have quite the little zoo around here!


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