Monday, September 27, 2010

Shout outs

[caption id="attachment_2892" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Ben as a primate (gorilla maybe?)"][/caption]

When Ben and I went to St. Vinny's on Sunday, we found him a 3-wheel scooter.  He has been asking for a scooter after seeing a bunch of the neighborhood kids on scooters.  So when I saw one at St. Vinny's, I knew that puppy was coming home with us.  It even lights up in the back whenever you ride it.  It's one sweet ride.  Unfortunately, Ben had ridden his bike to St. Vinny's, so I was wondering how we were going to get the scooter home, along with the baby, and the new baby's clothes.  About 2 blocks from our house, I was pretty much ready to throw the scooter down in disgust and go on with my life.  And I was becoming a 2-year-old when Ben would shout how he was "winning" beating me in the race home.  Hello, I'm back here carrying a baby, a backpack full of clothes and dragging a scooter.  Suddenly, I looked up there was our neighbor, Chris, riding her bike.  She should have been back lit, like an angel or superhero, arriving at just the right moment .  She rode over to us and asked if she could help us home.  At that point, I was not above allowing that to happen.  Even though she was on the way to meet Kathy at a festival, she took the time to help us out, never making us feel as if she was in any way put out.  That's the way it is with Chris and Kathy they are continually willing to jump in and help out in any way they can.  Like this last week, after our ambulance ride, we had pretty much abandoned the trash can on the curb from trash day in all our hospital commotion.  Well, Chris on her morning walk with their Maltese, Chloe, quickly put our trash can back.  It was like she didn't even really want me to see her doing it.  Ben loves going to their house for a visit.  I am so greatful they are our neighbors. 

[caption id="attachment_2893" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Ben as a polar bear."][/caption]

Our neighbors Lindsay and Gerald, you may know them as the parents of the infamous Juna.  Even though they had plans on Saturday night, they still agreed to watch Ben so that Thom and I could switch do our hospital switch over the easiest possible. 

Big shout out to Cynthia for the super fun visit last week and the many gifts she brought (particularly useful were the many crayons!)  And another shout out to Brittany for her visit and yummilicious cupcakes on Friday.  They kept us fed all weekend long.  Finally a thanks to Sue Zwart, 3rd grade teacher extraordinaire for dinner tomorrow night.  My mouth is already watering...

Ellie is doing so much better ("bed-der" as Ellie likes to say as she is sitting in bed) talk is of going home tomorrow.

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