Sunday, September 20, 2009


[caption id="attachment_2185" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Yet another funny face Ben photo, taken by none other than Ben himself."]Yet another funny face Ben photo, taken by known other than Ben himself.[/caption]

Friday was another bright blue skies, warm autumn afternoon.  As we began to walk Ellie home from school, Ben stated that he wanted to walk right beside his "best sister".  He even wanted to hold her hand.  When Ellie protested the hand-holding, Ben insisted that they do so when crossing the street.  Ellie kept sighing and uttering, "He is so adorable!"  Ben made great effort to walk right beside Ellie, stopping when she stopped to sing a little song.  Then continuing at a slower pace than his usual jog/run home, even inventing a special step that would keep him in line with his best sister.  (He sort of made his legs look like a horse to do so.) And, of course, I was his best mommy and Thom was, you guessed it, his best daddy.  It was one of those parenting moments where I felt the total love and appreciation for my children and who they have become and simultaneously felt all the years of wanting my children to understand and love one another come to fruition.  I just wanted to bottle the moment up and carry it with me always.  Amazing it was.   Utter perfection.


  1. best family!! Thank you for appreciating it and sharing it!! We have so many moments to treasure...if our eyes are open. I love how yours are.

  2. Don't you just love that LOVE from a child?


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