Sunday, September 27, 2009

And now we return to yet another library story...

[caption id="attachment_2207" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie and I not at the library."]Ellie and I not at the library.[/caption]

I know what you are thinking, "For crying out loud!  What could have possibly happened at the library THIS time??"  More plants knocked down?  Another hurt child?  Ruined books?  What could it be??"  (See "Another Not So Pretty Do-Over Story")

As you may or may not know I have been challenged for many years with a librarian phobia.  (I may be repeating myself here, if I am, feel free to skim this part, I'll never know the differance.)  It all started in college when I worked at a library one summer and one of the librarians would follow me around as I worked correcting my many mistakes.  Until finally I could not take it anymore and quit.  Then in La Grange one of the librarians asked Ellie if she "had something wrong with her" when she got upset to which, I responded by sending a highly charged e-mail.  I mean seriously, would you ever ask that of an adult patron?  Surprisingly, the next time we came to the library this same librarian was ultra nice to us.  That kind of nice where there is an "I'm sorry" planted inside.  Weird huh?  Oh and then there was another time that Ellie threw up at the library and Jenny and I tried to see if we could get some help cleaning it up to no avail.  Well, it seems that the tide has turned my friends.  In a HUGE way.  Here are my examples.

[caption id="attachment_2208" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Love of books started early for Ellie. Beginning when she would not crawl on all fours b/c she could not hold books unless she sat and scooted instead."]Love of books started early for Ellie.  Begining when she would not crawl on all fours b/c she could not hold books unless she sat and scootched instead.[/caption]

It all began at the Madison Main Branch when Ellie & I were checking out (Ben was holding the gate open for library patrons) and Ellie began to tell the librarian how much we love books and how much we love the library.  The two librarians checking us out were thrilled.  They told Ellie that they wished they had a television camera so they could make a commercial out of her comments.  HELLO.  I cannot tell you how many many times in the past Ellie has said this to a librarian only to either be ignored or responded to with a noncommittal, "Hmm."  Discouraging any further discussion.

[caption id="attachment_2211" align="alignright" width="300" caption="More books to love..."]More books to love...[/caption]

But wait, there's MORE.  At our local library, recently, Ellie & I arrived at the front desk.  Ellie told the librarian checking us out that we likove (like + love) the library.  To which the librarian, laughing, told Ellie that they loved us for loving the library.   About knocked me over.

Finally, again at our local branch, one day Ellie began to tell the librarian how she likoved to make up words.  To which the librarian responded by saying how he loved words and any time she wanted to teach him new words he would be happy to learn them.  And on a subsequent visit, this same librarian told Ben how

[caption id="attachment_2212" align="alignright" width="300" caption="More reading in bed..."]More reading in bed...[/caption]

much he too loved dinosaurs when he was growing up.  Chatty and friendly at the LIBRARY??  It is totally blowing my mind, this complete turn of events.  It seems that we have arrived into a parallel universe where librarians are in fact friendly and helpful.  Seriously.  Now if everyone would start singing and dancing, like that scene in Music Man at the library (Marian the Librarian) this would in fact be the perfect world I've dreamed of.  That and maybe pink fancy cupcakes to replenish ourselves after all the dancing and singing.

1 comment:

  1. You do AMAZINGLY well at facing your library phobia. I think libraries secretly love you and beckon you back without you really being aware of what is happening. You have created library specific happiness! If that music man act and cupcake thing happens though you really need to call me to participate!


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