Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The gift

[caption id="attachment_1025" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ellie spreading her joy to newborn neighbor Max."]Ellie spreading her joy to newborn neighbor Max.[/caption]

Ben and I were at the library recently, there was a girl sitting with her backpack at a table.  She was mumbling to herself about how she wanted to eat pizza.  She reminded me of Ellie in some ways, I could tell she wasn't all here with us, part of her was elsewhere.  I thought of all of the people in our lives who have shown great kindness to Ellie, listening patiently, enjoying her words, giggling with her.  How much each of those people have enhanced our lives.  I decided I wanted to pay that kindness forward to this little girl.  As she looked up, a bit startled to see Ben & I racing through the library, I gave her a big heartfelt smile, like I really meant it.  The way she smiled back at me was so filled with love and innocence and wonder that I knew in that moment that I was not doing her any favors.  Even though I had meant to give her the gift, instead the gift was given to me.


  1. You are an incredibly loving, giving person. still remembering the time in Chicago that you helped a mom with a tot with her stroller. Keep on giving to others and you will harvest the love you are planting. love you...

  2. It was hard to even write about this experience, I felt so emotional every time I thought about it. Glad that you "got it".


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