Friday, May 14, 2021

Update on Ketchup/Catsup

 The dinner after I wrote the previous blog, we realized (gasp!) that we were actually OUT of catsup/ketchup!!  I had such a large supply that I was lulled into believing we would NEVER be out again.  Alas.  So, we actually DID use some of the restaurant ketchup packets.  Zibbi  discovered that night, she is actually NOT a fan of the "Red Gold" ketchup brand.  (Fortunately, I was able to pick up an emergency bottle, since the lack of ketchup incident.  So rest easy, reader. ) 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Ketchup vs Catsup

We ordered in on Mother's Day.  And to our surprise and amazement, we were given a quantity of ketchup packets. (Catsup? Ketchup? I kind of wish I was a "catsup" person, it sounds so much more like a compound word than ketchup, alas, I think it is too late for me to make the change.) I'd heard that there was a nation wide shortage, which was why I was so shocked by their appearance in my home. We had no idea what to do with a huge quantity of ketchup packets, with Zibbi's catsup consumption, we buy in bulk.  At Costco.  We call it "poor man's pasta sauce", she takes her noodles and dips them in ketchup and parmesan (shaky cheese, not the fancy, freshly grated version).  But I digress.  When I entered the kitchen again, I saw that Thom had written a message with the packets.  "HI" it said.  Before bed it said, "By" (not enough to make the "e" for a proper good bye, still the effort was made.)  Then in the morning, a heart.  Then Benja got in on the action and wrote out, "SOS".  Thom responded by making a crab like creation that looked as if it were eating a Lego person.  He'd even thought of opening a package to make it look gory.  (Which of course sounded less fun thinking of the crusty clean up that would require later.)  Now, after all that fun, the packets sit on the counter abandoned.  And STILL we know NOT what the heck to do with them.  Thom thought perhaps we could give them back??  Although, it seems like they've been through a LOT to be given back...