Friday, May 25, 2018

A Nocturnal Party Animal

Almost every evening, unless she is ill, Zibbi suddenly gets a super huge burst of energy as soon as the
lights are out.  She will then check outside to see how dark it is.  Get another drink of water.  Practice some yoga moves, do some burpees and other exercises.  Fall off of the bed.  Walk around the room.  Scratch her many itches.  Suddenly urgently, need to have a lengthy discussion about a random topic.

Recently, I decided to try out a Loving Kindness Meditation on her to see if it would help her calm more quickly.  In the first step, you close your eyes and send "loving-kindness to yourself".  Zibbi immediately said she was going to send loving-kindness to her "bigger" self.  It struck me what a fantastic idea this was, as a 4-year-old, she is so very in love with herself right now.  At four, she's able to be courageous in ways she may not in the future.  And I know some time in the future, she will have challenging moments when she will not feel so freely loving of herself.  What a beautiful package to send to her future self, some love and some kindness.  I hope that her future self feels that "thrown" loving kindness when she needs it most.