Saturday, February 10, 2018

Reenacting When Harry Met Sally...

There is a scene in When Harry Met Sally where Sally makes it well known that she is upset with Harry by being extra pleasant to everyone around her, while she blatantly ignores Harry.  I often feel this way with Lotta lately.  For example, she made me a Valentine's card that said, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I like you".  Then, she made a Valentine's card for Thom proclaiming her love for him.  Today, she was trying to explain something to me and immediately started shouted to indicate how unintelligent she finds me.  Then Thom asked a question and she immediately reverted to, "Yes, Daddy?"

The thought came to me the other night that Lotta NEEDS more hugs.  She is making it challenging for me to issue the more hugs that she needs.  Or maybe I need them.  I just didn't think the being angry getting off the bus at merely seeing my face would begin at SEVEN.  I thought I had a few more years of love.

Fortunately, the more Lotta becomes hateful, the more Zibbi becomes loving.  The other morning she told me, "I just LOVE you SO much."  She's decided she loves me so much that she wants to marry me (the rule is, if you kiss on the lips, you are married...)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Lotta's Love Life

A few months ago, the mother of one of Lotta's classmates contacted me to ask if I knew that Lotta had agreed to marry her son, Walter.  In shock, I told her I was unaware that a proposal had been accepted. A few days later, a fellow student approached Thom, to let him know how Lotta and Walter loved eachother.  So it seemed official.  When I questioned Lotta, she shrugged and explained that it would be a LONG time before they were grown and able to marry.

Maybe a month later, Lotta told me she had a different boyfriend in her class.  And I asked what happened to Walter.  She again shrugged, as if saying, why couldn't she have both options in her life.  A boyfriend NOW and an entirely different husband later.  Seemed reasonable to me.

As we were talking about all that has to happen in order for a baby to be born, Lotta decided she would prefer to adopt.  AND she wants to marry Naja, her best friend.  I am SO confused.

Monday, February 5, 2018

What's your size?

Once we finish reading and turn out the light for bedtime, Zibbi loves to either make strange noises with her mouth OR chat about whatever pops into her mind.  Last night, she suddenly said, "Even though I'm small outside, I'm BIG inside."  She said, she'd read that in a Madeline book.  I thought, that perfectly describes both the story book character AND Zibbi. 

At dinner, we like to do Questions for Kids.  One question last night was what 5 celebrities would we want to have dinner with? Zibbi decided she wanted to have female superheroes.  She was crestfallen when she discovered they were not actually "real" people.  We decided they would still be a fine choice.  We thought of Wonder Woman, SuperGirl, Bat Girl, Cat Woman.  No one could think of a fifth female superhero.  Zibbi suddenly decided that she didn't care what the rules were, she really wanted to have ME as her dinner guest.  She raced over to my chair, jumped in my lap and proclaimed, "Because, I just love you so much."  I just wanted to document that she said that, just in case she's not feeling so loving in the future towards me.