Thursday, January 15, 2015


Every Wednesday evening Thom plays badminton.  So every week after Thom leaves, Ben baby sits Zibbi while I put Lotta to bed. One Thursday afternoon Ben shared with me how he loved having special time on Wednesdays to connect with Zibbi. He felt like it was excellent for their relationship. 

Last week Ben had a friend attend family fun night at Warner park. This event is amazing. For five bucks the entire family can go and play basketball, bounce in a bouncy house, do pottery, do an art project, play air hockey, they even have special classes each time such as hula hooping and zumba. Makes me so glad to live in Madison Wisconsin!! 

After FFN (that's family fun night to you non Madisonian) we dropped Ben's friend off.  I commented on how impressed I was with his conversational skills.  He was asking great questions and listening really well. I suggested that this most likely made his friend feel really good.  Ben explained that at school they have been studying how to have a conversation. However he didn't feel like he needed the instruction because he has the opportunity to converse with me every day during our walk home. 

What other 9 year old boy talks this way about connecting with his little sisters and having conversational skills?  
I feel so lucky. Or sucky as Ellie would say.