Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Back It Up

Lotta drives cars at the mall...
Lotta drives cars at the mall...
A few days ago, Lotta and I were preparing to go to the bus stop.  She did not want to wear shoes, so we compromised on bunny slippers.  She decided to ride her tiny car that she can push with her feet.  When we arrived at the bus stop, the bus was nowhere in sight, Lotta wanted to continue her car ride away from the bus stop, I suggested instead, we continue down the street in the direction the bus would be arriving.  She agreed.  We got caught up in noticing things on the sidewalk--scat from an unknown source, a peapod that she thought would fit perfectly inside her car seat.  Suddenly, I looked up and the bus was zooming towards the bus stop.  I told Lotta we had to race back to pick Ben up.  Instead of doing a "u" turn or even a 2-3 point turn towards the bus stop, as I anticipated, Lotta began yelling "Beep beep beep" as she backed herself up.
We have been utilizing a great deal of reverse psychology to get Lotta to do what we want.  Ben in particular enjoys this technique.  Recently, Lotta has started utilizing the technique back to me.  "No chase me, Mommy.  No chase me...." as she races around the house.  If she's already on to us at two, I'm not sure where we are headed...

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