Saturday, October 2, 2010

Win-win solutions

We went home from the hospital today!!  Her sodium is still a bit elevated, we will get it checked on Monday afternoon. 

One day at the hospital we were preparing to take a bath.  Taking a bath at the hospital is quite an undertaking.  The bath tub is a huge, deep tub in a room down the hall.  Ellie's port has to be wrapped beforehand because it cannot get wet.  Getting Ellie into and out of the tub is quite challenging.  After one of the nurses helped Ellie, she requested that a new tub be installed as it is quite nerve wracking watching Ellie get in and out.  The nurses who worked with Ellie were filled with patience as Ellie struggled to even stand she was so exhausted.  Even sitting at this point for Ellie caused her to grunt to maintain her uprightedness.  What impressed me was how the nurses continued to adhere to Ellie's suggestions.  Ellie wanted to count, starting with zero.  Every time Ellie needed to be moved, the nurses working with her started with zero.  Then Ellie wanted to add "Ready steady go!" to the commands.  The nurses agreed readily.  Afterwards, the nurses told me that they realized that if they agreed to counting as she wanted then Ellie would be willing to do what they wanted, namely taking a bath.

The alarm clock went off the other morning and Ben began to cry because he wanted to snuggle in bed.  I suggested he "snooze" the alarm and we snuggle.  A snooze snuggle.  After our 10 minutes, Ben readily and easily got out of bed in a much happier mood.  I pondered afterwards how I could have insisted we get out of bed immediately, but man oh man it was so much easier allowing Ben a bit of snuggle time to start his day.  In that exchange, I gave a little and got a LOT better start to my day.

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