Saturday, October 17, 2009

Miracle cures

Last week, both my children experienced colds--big time.  Ellie felt the worst on Monday, felt better Tuesday but then woke up Wednesday with laryngitis.  Thursday morning, Ellie still was whispering to me, but  seemed to be feeling a bit better energy-wise.  Thom and I debated whether or not to send her to school.  Now when I was a youngster, we went to school unless we were lying on death's doorstep.  If you could become verticle, you were on that bus heading towards school.  With all of the flus and what-not these days, there are all kinds of rules about when to have your child go back to school and when to keep them home to try to decrease spreading infection.  On Thursday afternoon, Stephanie, Ellie's school nurse called to see how Ellie was doing.  I explained the situation and how bad she still sounded, how she wasn't speaking.  When suddenly, Ellie yells down the stairs (for the first time in two days!!) "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO ON THE PHONE??"  So shocked was I that I ran to the furthest point in the house away from the stairs.  I felt like I was "busted", as if we had been playing hookie and not even realized it.  I felt as if I had just made up the whole thing up, did Ellie really have a sore throat in the morning or had I made that up? 

An alternate ending:  When I shared this story with Cynthia, she  thought it would have been even better had I said to the nurse, "WOW!!  You just healed her!  And over the phone!  You are some GREAT nurse!!"

1 comment:

  1. You big fat liar! KIDDING! Can that nurse call me on the phone and clear this cough up of mine once and for all! She is magical!


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