Sunday, April 26, 2009

Living like a STAR

[caption id="attachment_924" align="alignleft" width="328" caption="Jenny and a much younger Bella Rose."]Jenny and a much younger Bella Rose.[/caption]

Recently, Ben, Ellie and I daytripped to Chicago.  When we arrived for our visit with the Behms (see "Jenny, Jenny" blog), both Bella (8) and Max (5) had friends over.  One of Bella's friends, Megan, tried extremely hard to include Ellie in the activities at hand.   When Ellie would do her normal 'routine', Bella's other friend would roll her eyes.  (Which Bella refused to acknowledge, and I appreciated her for that.)  The girls did not quite know what to make of Ellie, she was unlike anyone they had encountered before.  Fortunately, Ellie did not notice at all.  As is what typically happens with Ellie,  she continued on her merry way.  I however, was feeling slightly hurt on her behalf.  Who was this kid to judge my Ellie?  

I guess I have become accustomed to the reactions Ellie's classmates and teachers have towards her.   Last Friday night, we all went out to eat at the delicious Roman Candle restaurant.   When Ben & I went outside after dinner, a boy and his brother were outside their apartment.  One of the boys came up and asked where Ellie was.  Not "hi" or "oh, you must be Ellie's mom and brother", but looking around in search of Ellie, as if Ben and I were in fact only signs that Ellie was somewhere nearby, like big arrows pointing in her direction. 

[caption id="attachment_896" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Ellie plays at the big dino party..."]Ellie plays at the big dino party...[/caption]

When we go to one of our favorite neighborhood spots, Lazy Jane's, the manager always asks where Ellie is if she is not in attendance.  Recently when we were at another favored spot, Willy Street Co-op, one of our checkers, Anna said, "Oh, that is Ellie, I've heard so much about her from Kelly."  It makes me feel like Ellie is a local celebrity, without the paparazzi, quite an enjoyable experience. 

[caption id="attachment_863" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Giggles"]Giggles[/caption]

A few weeks ago, Ellie came home from school telling me one of the teachers did not want her to make up words.  For those of you who are not aware, Ellie likes to combine two or more words to create new words.  Ellie and I discussed how not everyone likes to make up words, sometimes people don't understand what she is trying to say or they don't want to play that game.  When I told Ellie's special education teacher, she became upset and confused.  She could not imagine who would have said such a thing.  She tracked down the possible perpetrator and the principal spoke with this person telling him/her that this was not acceptable.   Ms. Zwart was quite certain that Ellie will not be treated so "rudely" in the future.  I was completely floored at the way everyone involved was so wanting to make Ellie's experience at school an enjoyable one, one where she feels

[caption id="attachment_869" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Happy Ellie."]Happy Ellie.[/caption]

free to blossom.  I mean I asked the question because I was surprised when Ellie told me that someone had said that to her, I couldn't image who she interacts with at school that would say something like that.  I wanted more information so that I could gear the conversation properly (i.e. was she making up words when she was supposed to be reading.)  The whole scenario left me with the feeling of Ellie being not only adored at school but also protected.  It left Thom feeling like he did NOT want to get on the wrong side of anyone working at the school.     

That is what I have been fortunate enough to experience for the most part this year, that kind of love and appreciation and total acceptance of Ellie.  So being around the eye rolling feels completely foreign.  How remarkable that Ellie's teachers and classmates and really our entire neighborhood has made me feel so sheltered and comfortable with the remarkable child she is.  I am left with feeling ever so greatful to  Bella's eye rolling friend who made me keenly aware of the circle of  love we are so very fortunate to reside in.


  1. Loved your insight as well as your Mother Bear reaction!!! Just 2 comments from a loving greataunt -

    1. Is Ms Zwart a made-up-name?
    2. We have a departmental conference call every week and our room full of professionals / adults does lots of eye rolling as I'm sure our colleagues on the other end of the call also eye roll. Maybe we should teach Ellie to respond with an exaggerated yawn, as in "boringgggg".

  2. Ms Zwart is her REAL name, I asked her to verify that. It was even more confusing in the fall, b/c Ellie had a student teacher named Ms. Zahrt. Ellie does not have much difficulty in expressing whatever emotion is occurring to her at any given moment in time.

  3. Okay, was thinking of starting my comment with, "from one mama bear to another...." Then I read Suz' post.

    1. I love that she asked that question. Hahahahahaha!
    2. Okay...from one mama bear to another...Ellie is so lucky you are her loving mom. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
    3. May that dear little eye roller be gifted with acceptance and love from Ellie's visit. That is my intention for her. I am sending her love sans eye roll.
    4. We all have so much to learn.
    5. I vow to not roll my eyes at anyone or anything today.
    6. Chicago road trip! Here we come! Look out!

  4. Wow, thank you for the wonderful comments, Wow is just about all I can say, I feel all sparkly inside!

  5. You are VERY blessed to be a part of a caring school environment such as this. It would be great for every child on the planet to be cared for and protected in this manner. I'm so glad that Ellie has the opportunity to feel the LOVE from so many and especially her family. AND I'm so glad that WE can feel HER love in so many ways. I miss her and am in need of some of her huggles right now!

  6. Ellie refuses to send "some" huggles, she would only send "a LOT" of huggle snuggles your way. So get ready to feel the LOVE.


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