Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cynthia the Rock Star

[caption id="attachment_497" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Everyone wants to be her friend."]Everyone wants to be her friend.[/caption]

It was 6:30 am, I was working out.  My hair looked funny.  I was feeling kinda funky.  My mouth tasted like Walmart.  The floor of Walmart.  I did not know why.  A woman who was just my height (doesn't happen often at 5'2" in Wisconsin where they grow them big) started cracking some jokes.  That was only the beginning.

Because we met at a 6:30am at the gym,  we got to know eachother well without even knowing eachother well.  We knew what the other person looked like FRESH out of bed.  I discovered that the quality of Cynthia's workout depended upon the quality of her morning hairstyle.  I discovered that she loves The Jackson 5. 

One day in November, Cynthia sent me an e-mail and this is what she said, "... you are one of the most wonderful moms i have ever met. if we have multiple lives i wanna come back as your kid."  That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. 

Cynthia has invited me to her daughter, Caitlyn's birthday party for

[caption id="attachment_498" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Cutie pie Caitlyn"]Cutie pie Caitlyn[/caption]

the past 2 years.  The thing I noticed at the last party was how everyone who entered Cynthia's home was greeted as if they were the very best guest, the one that Cynthia was waiting for all this time.  Now that kind of enthusiasm just makes you feel so incredibly comfortable and at home when you arrive at a party. 

Another thing I like about Cynthia is how she notices what she likes about other people.  When we worked out at MBG, she was constantly telling me how fabulous our co-worker outers were.  To which I would inevitably tell the co-worker outers how fabulous Cynthia thought they were (you know my philosophy on this, if you have read my previous blogs, I don't believe in waiting until someone is dead to tell them how remarkable they are.) 

Cynthia will always laugh even at my really dumb jokes.  In a recent e-mail she told her friends that I was, "her little ray of sunshine".  That has been my lifelong goal, to be some body's little ray of sunshine and now all my dreams have come true.   

Cynthia is one of the most fabulous photographers I know.  She is able to take a person and make them into an art form.  It is astounding.  I don't know how she does it.  I can barely remember to bring my camera anywhere, much less take the photos (and I get into much trouble for this lapse by extended family members). 

[caption id="attachment_499" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Cynthia glamorizes me"]Cynthia glamorizes me[/caption]

I love the way Cynthia loves mydaughter.  Not everyone appreciates and understands who Ellie is.  Some people do not have much tolerance for her, fortunately, Ellie does not notice.  So when I see some one adoring my daughter, it is like eating chocolate in a hot bubble bath in Italy.  A delicious dinner at your favorite restaurant. A holiday.  A vacation.  The BEST.  When Cynthia sits next to Ellie, she simply glows with appreciation and love.  She says things like, "That is so sweet".  Recently when Ellie started freaking out about a chair being moved, Cynthia said, "I understand that." 

More than once in an e-mail to her friends Cynthia has told them that they would thank their lucky stars if they had the opportunity to meet Ellie.    If we are out and about together, Cynthia doesn't mind if Ellie hangs out and talks with her & Caitlyn.  One day while we were at the Children's Museum, Cynthia suddenly blurted out, "I love you" to Ellie.  To which Ellie instantly responded, "I love you too".  When Cynthia told me this story, she explained that she didn't even realize she was going to say that until it burst out of her mouth.  I completely admire someone who is not afraid to say, "I love you."  And it is particularly meaningful to Ellie who will totally get that. 

My life in Madison has been so much better since I became friends with Cynthia.  Her daughter calls me, deVi, just as my first nephew,

[caption id="attachment_500" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Run Caitlyn, run!"]Run Caitlyn, run![/caption]

Josh, did.  When I go over to Cynthia's house, everyone greets me with a huge hug and smiles on their faces.  Totally makes me want to come back.  Often.

When Ellie was in the hospital last spring, Cynthia called me once to yell at me for not letting her do more for me and my family.  So I "allowed" her to make us dinner.  She made it out as if I were doing her a favor.  Amazing!

She is one of those people that everyone wants to be her best friend.  She collects friends because she is so friendly and helpful, and just plain super.  She is the one that would take you to the hospital should you need a ride.  Or bring you a meal (see above) or watch your kiddo.  Quite simply, having Cynthia around has made my life (and my children's lives) that much sunnier and funnier.  Thanks Cynthia for all that you do, we are so greatful for YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Debi, I must say that this is by far your best post! The others were magnificent, but this one is the best! Signed, your anonymous friend.

    Oops! I can't be anonymous logged in as me.

    Sheepish grin.

    Seriously, thank you. What comes around goes around. You help me to be the best I can be. I feel very grateful.


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