Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Signs, Signs, Everywhere

Over Memorial Day weekend we visited St. Charles, MO to say goodbye to my in-laws before they move to Virginia.  It was a somewhat sudden trip, as their health began to decline rapidly and Thom's brothers wanted to move them sooner rather than later (we'd thought we had several months, but it turned into several weeks.)  I wasn't looking forward to the trip, as it is the end of the school year and there is already SO very much happening.  So.  Very.  Much.  When we arrived in St. Charles, we decided to venture to the local bookstore we'd visited during out last visit.  We were enjoying browsing, when I looked down and saw there was a book on a display table written by, "Ellie Kennedy" (it was actually Elle Kennedy, but my brain read it as "Ellie").  Then, when I checked out, the receipt was $113 total (1/13 was the day Ellie died).  Finally, as we were swimming, the song, "I Hope You've had the Time of Your Life" that was played at Ellie's 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony came on.  I shared all this with Benja.  I told him, all of this can be explained logically, of course.  The numbers add up to $113, the song is fairly popular.  However, I DO like the explanation that has a little bit of magic mixed in.  

Then, as we were walking down the stairs at the hotel, the sign said, (oh how I regret not taking a photo to get the exact wording), something about needing to go the level "G" in order to get to the "Exit Discharge".  Every single floor had the same sign.  First of all, exit and discharge seem redundant.  Second of all, if you are thinking of putting the word, "Discharge" on a sign, my advice is to rethink your options, as it may not sound the way you think it does.

Finally, as we traveled the LOOONG road home on Monday, exhausted, ready to be home, to basically jump immediately into the week, we stopped at a roadside stop.  Benja and I were reading signs in one of their displays.  The topic was "How to AVOID Road Rage", with 5 easy steps.  We decided they also needed the alternative, "How to Initiate Road Rage" (Unfortunately, again I am regretting my lack of photographic evidence here).  Step 1:  Maintain Eye Contact with the other drivers.  The longer the better! (In response to "avoid eye contact with the other drivers). Step 5:  You can teach other drivers (in response to "You don't have to teach others how to drive).  We thought a white board with notes for improvement might be the most helpful for this particular step.  

Maybe, St. Charles, needs to change their city slogan to, "city of signs".  

Saturday, May 20, 2023

There's Always More to Learn

 A few weeks ago, Benja arrived home from school and proclaimed that the school might be calling me about some spontaneous substitute teaching Benja had engaged in at school.  Confused, I requested more information.  Benja informed me that he and some of his classmates had decided that instead of attending the class they were enrolled in, they would attend an art class.  When they arrived, the teacher who just happened to be a substitute, looked Benja up and down (in his business casual) and asked if he was the assistant for the class.  For some reason, Benja immediately responded "Yes."  And proceeded to help out however he could with the class.  When we discussed it later, Thom concluded that Benja is the only senior to skip class to attend ANOTHER class.  His love of learning is so high, he suddenly realized, "WAIT, there are ALL these other classes we COULD be attending..."  By the way, the school NEVER called to alert us to his absence, we figured maybe, they were so desperate for additional help in the class, they decided to NOT turn it down when it happened to appear out of the blue.