Saturday, August 29, 2020

No more nonsense

 During this pandemic, Benja and I have been taking lots of walks.  The other day, as we walked, we came upon a tree whose leaves were turning yellow.  I stopped, startled, because it is the end of August.  I asked out loud if Benja thought there was something wrong with the tree, or if it was already changing to its fall wardrobe.  Benja, suddenly exasperated, sighed loudly and exclaimed, "Mom, you notice this EVERY year, some trees start changing now."  I was a bit shocked at his impassioned response.  So I said, "You know, this is only going to worse, right?" (Meaning me not recalling things.)  Without missing a beat, he proclaimed,"That's why I'm moving to Canada as soon as I graduate, so I don't have to deal with this nonsense..."  Of course, for the rest of the walk, I pointed out MORE trees that were changing colors and wondered aloud what their deal was...