Thursday, July 26, 2018

You are Beautiful

As many mornings as we've been able, Lotta, Zibbi and I have biked to school.  The fresh morning air and bright blue skies are a big incentive.   Along the way, there is a billboard that reads, "You are beautiful".  A recent morning I commented to Lotta how some people do not feel beautiful, and so this billboard was extremely important at reminding anyone feeling ugly that they are beautiful.  Lotta seemed shocked that anyone would feel less than beautiful.  I think she may have even had a very Ellie like "really".  She pondered this for a moment and asked if I thought more women than men felt less than beautiful.  I agreed that this seemed to be the case.  My hope for future Lotta is that she continues to feel beautiful, and flaunt her own signature style, and that even the thought of not feeling beautiful is shocking.  Today Lotta decided to wear as many jewels to summer school as she could.