Monday, November 2, 2009

A valuable lesson

[caption id="attachment_2247" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ben gets clean many many times a day."]Ben gets clean many many times a day.[/caption]

A few days ago, Ben came to me, with a large red mark on that skin in between his nose and mouth.  He told me quite seriously, "I just learned a valuable lesson.  Never put a clippy on your lip."  He had taken one of the clothes pins we use for chip bags and he tried putting it on his lip, when he learned this valuable lesson.  I love that he is looking at things as lessons rather than as mistakes. 

Earlier in the weekend, we learned a valuable lessone about leaving wooden candle holders unattended.  Only a smallish fire that was easy to control.   I do not think my children have seen me move that fast maybe ever.